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New Showroom Photos By E.Warner

First off we want to thank E Warner for photos!

We at Chemistry are proud to announce the completion of our showroom and factory. We started in a office and showroom the size of a kids bedroom and now have grown to 1000 sq ft of everything Chemistry. Jason and Will had the amazing help of Chemistry Collective Artists Scott Seiver and Miki Collins to make the vision come alive.

Within the showroom we have a bunch of boards on display, some of which are for sale. We also have a great selection of accessories from Creatures of Leisure, Famous, FCS, Future Fins, and Gorilla Grip to compliment your brand new Chemistry Surfboard. Also in the showroom is our latest in Chemistry Apparel and accessories. On display beside all the great gear is a bunch of art and photographs by Chemistry Collective artists and friends of the brand.

The factory has become a full board building center with the exception of not doing any resin work on site. There is two full size shaping rooms one of which is occupied by Jason Bennett and the other by Encinitas up and coming shaper/surfer Ryan Burch. Besides the two shaping rooms there is a board packing station, showroom extension for board overflow, used board rack, and an area dedicated to Chemistry Collective custom surfboard art.

If you are in our area please take time to stop by and check out the new setup. If not stay tuned for our grand opening party scheduled for early August (we will post the fine details soon). Should be a great time! We are located at:
3205 Production Ave, Suite B.
Oceanside, Ca. 92056

All photos coutesy of E.Warner

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